A to-do list that has been growing, instead of getting smaller sits beside me. Watching Breaking Bad will do that. No spoilers here, just the fact that the show itself becomes an addiction of sorts once you have all the seasons at your fingertips. I’ve never watched a dramatic series like that. You wake up thinking about the characters, I found myself putting together clues during my walks for what may happen next. You’re obsessed and want to do nothing else but watch the next episode.
Meeting a client to see the site for her upcoming wedding was a lovely blue sky, gorgeous break yesterday afternoon between season 5’s parts I and II. Hence the photographs of the beach instead of the television screen.
Today there is no promise of a new episode to look forward to, it’s over. A little sad, much like finishing a very good book feels.
A fresh new day to check off some of those items, while Breaking Bad creeps into my head for a few more days.
Carlsbad Beach, San Diego, CA