I’ve always loved LUSH from afar. When I travelled in the United States and internationally in the past, finding a LUSH and purchasing a bubble bar for the hotel tub was always a special treat. Then one opened nearby!
This is much the way I felt when Paper Sources and Anthropologies were only a thing to be experienced while traveling, and now to have both 20 minutes away is ridiculously wonderful. Yes, there is always the internet, but there’s something about touching, trying on and especially smelling beauty products.
So now I can browse, smell, sometimes taste and immerse myself in all that is LUSH.
Just recently it was time to purchase a new face lotion. I didn’t want the same old stuff I’d been using, thought I’d venture into LUSH instead.
Three items later I was leaving with ENZYMION Facial Moisturizer, a FULL OF GRACE Serum and POPCORN Lip Scrub. The sales associate shared all the different lotions, made recommendations on what I told her I was looking for and then encouraged me to sample any items in the store.
The ENZYMION Facial Moisturizer is fresh fruit juices, avocado and aloe vera for my oily skin day and night. At night I wash my face then rub the FULL OF GRACE Serum between my palms two times, then rub the soothing floral butter onto my face, neck and what is left onto the backs of my hands. Finally, I apply a dab (a little really does go a long way) of ENZYMION over the butter. The first morning after my new routine I really was struck by how vibrant, plump and refreshed my face looked and felt. My biggest concern was breaking out and that has not been an issue at all. After 2 weeks my skin is smoother and softer. Every couple of days I scrub a small amount of the POPCORN Lip Scrub on my lips then lick the warm cozy kettle taste off, too.
After waking up that first morning and loving the results I decided I wanted to switch over much of my daily routine and body products to LUSH. The company is amazingly inspiring and forward thinking and charitable, none of their products are tested on animals, the sales associates are extremely helpful, everything is made from fresh ingredients, the products are divine and shouldn’t the things I am putting on my body be as important as what I put into it?
And just to pique my interest some generous samples (a little less than 0.8 oz) were in my bag, too. Pictured in the fifth photo down are OCEAN SALT Scrub and FAIR TRADE Foot Lotion. I have tried both a couple times and have loved them so far.
In my quest to take good care of myself I will be replenishing my body products as they run out with LUSH items and post periodically on what I’ve tried.
*The adorable skunk soap dish is from Happy Owl Glassworks.