How many starts does one individual have in them? My second cousin Zoë was sharing this perspective with Kadee recently in regards to Kadee’s upcoming move and beginning of residency. It takes a lot out of a human to start again, reestablish themselves and figure out how they fit in this world when something has significantly changed in their life. It could be moving to college for the first time, renesting in the empty nest that was left behind, getting married, having a baby, divorcing, loss of a loved one, starting a business, going back to college, moving across town or across the continent to a place you’d never heard of until that career opportunity came up.
I have another start in me, and hopefully as many as will move me forward during my lifetime. For the past two years I have worked part-time as a garden teacher at a local elementary school. With my teaching background this was a nice fit and gave me time to continue with my photography and other creative endeavors. This past year it has become very clear to me that the garden is taking away from what I could be and want to be putting into my photography. Fortunately my photography business has continued to grow and has become quite busy. Over much thought I have decided to leave the garden position. It may not sound too tough, and both things are very rewarding, and balancing the two hasn’t been too awfully difficult…it’s the official decision to not work as a teacher in the school setting that feels funny. I knew when I left classroom teaching that was the right decision for me and feel very much the same about this. So after this week I am painting myself with a new brush and starting again.