Well it’s been awhile. Unfortunately the hard drive on our computer failed in a very unusual way. Some info was recovered and more may be found, from here on out I will be a monthly time machine backer-upper. Luckily I back-up photos and videos on a separate hard drive and discs…it’s just that day to day stuff or programs or music you’ve acquired and may never get back…and much of it may not even be remembered to know that it’s lost.
A fresh start on a clean hard drive, bigger screen and the most up to date programs. With all that has happened recently it really hits you how the hard drive failing is not the end of the world, it is not your whole life gone, there are much more important things in the world . . . people, pets, our families and friends. The hearts you love and love you back, the ones you make memories and share histories with and even the ones you may never meet but know they love deeply and are loved by others.