Orange Strawberry Carrot Smoothie or The Scarlett Smoothie
With the ushering in of the new year many shows and magazines are sharing ways to improve ourselves. After seeing that by eating two handfuls of carrots along with other vibrant orange and red fruits and vegetables each day your skin could have the same glow as Scarlett Johansson I revisited this ever so delicious smoothie that I haven’t made in some time. I don’t measure out what goes in to this one…this morning it was a generous handful of carrots, frozen strawberries, a large fresh orange, orange juice, almond milk and ground flax seed.
On another note, I see through instagram and blogs many people choose a word for the year. There are even workshops tied to this to guide you and keep you on top of it month after month. I desire to be a person who could be so organized from now until December of this new year although from past experience I see that does not work for me. Choosing a word to revisit and push me forward from time to time does sound appealing, so after much thought my word is focus. I’m tickled it is a word tied to photography and anything related to photography pretty much makes me happy and motivates me and sometimes I’m so focused on it I don’t leave time for other things.
So that is that. My first post of the new year, a delicious smoothie making my skin ever so gorgeous as I type this and my word for the year…or at least for this moment.